mercredi 27 septembre 2017

~♠~ Look n°066 ~♠~ Valerie ~♠~

"Good Day"

Today I propose a creation of the shop : MOoH!

Here is a tank top with ruffle and knot on the front 
of the chest with its shorts, black color plain.

This set is compatible with standard bodies, 
Slink, Maitreya, Belleza, and ebody.

This is a creation from:
And it's a 50% exclusivity with the store group 
from September 22 to October 5.

Outfit : Valerie Outfit by MOoH! 

I have associated with this dress a pair of shoes from the N-Core.
here is a nice pair of high heels with these laces rising up mid thigh black.

Shoes : Ciara Black by N-Core

I wear my body from MAITREYA, as well as my head Barbara bento mesh from GAEG
My skin is the Kirsten body skin (chestnut) from GAEG.

My eyes are the draya eyes of LIVIA
My makeup is included in the hud of my head mesh from GAEG.

My hair is: "Britney" from Catwa.

☺ We thank the shops for their creation ☺
☻ And I wish you a good shopping ☻

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