jeudi 28 septembre 2017

~♠~ Look n°067 ~♠~ Juliete ~♠~

"Urban Girl"

Today, I propose a creation of the shop : Ello.

Here is a set of joggings with its hooded jacket and jogging pants.

This set is sold with a hud of 5 colors with 2 reasons for the jacket in addition.
It is compatible with the bodies: Belleza, Slink and Maitreya.

This is a creation from : 

Outfit : Juliete by Ello

Hud Juliete Outfit

Shoes : Orion by MeshAgency

I wear my body from MAITREYA, as well as my head Barbara bento mesh from GAEG

My skin is the Kirsten body skin (cookie) from GAEG.

My eyes are the draya eyes of LIVIA
My makeup is included in the hud of my head mesh from GAEG.

My hair is: "Maggie" from Truth.

☺ We thank the shops for their creation ☺
☻ And I wish you a good shopping ☻

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